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A Good Weekend

I had a pretty good weekend. Actually, it was probably one of the better weekends I’ve had in sometime. My stress level was low and I got some good rest.

Friday night we went out and ate at Bojangles and then grabbed a smoothie from The Smoothie King before bumming around Target for a bit. On Saturday, we ran into Burlington Coat Factory and Harris Teeter to buy some salmon for dinner. Then on Sunday we took a drive out to Garner to eat TGI Friday’s for lunch and then came home to catch the Titans game.

In between all our running around, I cleaned up the house, slept, and watched some Psych. I gave Psych a try last week while looking for more positive shows to watch and instantly fell in love with it. The goofy dynamic between the two leads is wonderful and the show reeks of happiness. I find it a little strange that I like it, because I have a natural distaste for police procedurals. However, the pop culture references, well timed humor, and good storytelling make every episode a fun and easy watch.


I plan to write on it some more down the road, but Psych really makes me happy. It’s almost like it’s the perfect show for me right now. It’s so light hearted and fun and that is what I really need. I honestly want to credit it for my better mood as of late. It’s been that much of positive of an influence on me.

This week I’m concentrating on taking things easy and getting a few things done. We got to buy Brandy a new vehicle since her lease is up in less than a month, so we got a few I’s to dot and t’s to cross before we do that.

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