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A Testament to Rest

Wednesday was my day off this week and it was by far the most productive I’ve been in quite some time. It seems like I’m always trying to keep up with my to-do list, but a few weeks ago I just had to let it go. I was exhausted and burned out and I just couldn’t keep up the crazy pace that I was trying for. So, I cleared my to-do list, and just settled in for some rest. I took the last couple of weekends off and just didn’t do very much.

Then earlier this week, I got to bed early, got a chance to watch some TV and just relax. I think it really paid dividends for me, because I didn’t wake up bitter, angry, or exhausted on my day off. Instead, I woke up ready to get some things done, and while I didn’t intend on doing much other than making a quick run to Walmart and the UPS Store, I ended up clearing off my to-do list from a month ago and then some.

It was a beautiful, 68 degree day and I turned on some late 90’s pop-punk and just jammed while I ran errands and did things. As I made my way to one task, another one would pop up, and I’d just knock that out in the process. By three o’clock, I had everything done that I had written down a month ago, and still had time to kill. So I picked up a book on meditation and laid out on our Swingasan and enjoyed the weather. I even took a mini-nap while I was out there.

I don’t think Wednesday was just a great day by accident. I truly believe that taking the time to recharge and get myself straight is what led to my good mood and my productiveness. In a culture where people push you to just keep going and it’s considered a badge of honor to be stressed and overworked, I think I have proof that sometimes you need to slow down in order to go fast.

Soundtrack of the Day:
-Eurotrip Soundtrack
-SR71’s “Right Now”

Published inRandom

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