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A few months ago, I went on a rant about Amazon and its failings as of late. I was having issues with products being delivered, their customer service, and an overall disappointment with their service. I’ve also have had some ethical concerns regarding their treatment of their employees for years now.

In the midst of my complaining, I said I was done with Amazon. My Prime subscription wasn’t up yet, but I made sure the auto renew was turned off and as of last week, it has expired.

I’m not sure why this feels like a huge deal to me, since I had no issues leaving streaming services and social media accounts, I guess it’s because in some weird way, at one time Amazon Prime seemed like such a great deal I couldn’t imagine not paying for it.

Oddly enough, I have gone out of my way over the years to avoid Amazon whenever I can including buying a Kobo instead of a Kindle and using Scribd instead of Audible, but the two day shipping and discounts were just too good to pass up to avoid them altogether. Now, the shipping is erratic, and the prices are no better than Walmart, Target, or Costco and suddenly the playing field seems much more even.

I look forward to the challenge of not using Amazon, the same way I adored distancing myself from Google. I think my wife is going to have a much more difficult time, but I’m hoping an increase in quality of products and less hassles with missed deliveries and lost packages will more than make up for it. And I’m not out $140 for my frustrations.

Published inUncategorized


  1. It’s quite interesting how nobody can still compete with Amazon. When I stayed in Singapore, despite the fact that Amazon has 2-day shipping as well, there are other mega apps that are popular and imo much better than Amazon even if the shipping is slower.

    I only wish a new app can break in the market back here in the US.

    • I agree. looked promising and then Walmart bought them and that was it. It’s boggling that no one has stepped up (outside of Walmart) to even try to take a part of that market share. They might be Pepsi to Coke but that’s not a bad position to be in.

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