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An Unique Purchase

I’ve been a fan of pro wrestling pretty much my entire life. Right now, my fandom isn’t as hot as it was say, two years ago, but I still follow the stories and watch the occasional matches. The only organization I consistently watch is IMPACT Wrestling, which reminds me of an old wrestling territory these days. It’s smaller, intelligently booked, and gives folks who haven’t had time to shine a place in the spotlight. They also treat their women’s division with the most respect, and I’ve always admired that.

I visit their online shop often because I really want an IMPACT shirt. I just struggle to pay the $30 asking price especially when I know how crummy a lot of shirts are these days. But, whenever I visit their shop, I also check out their eBay store because they sell old items and strange memorabilia, like autographed pieces of broken tables.

This week, when I looked, I noticed something truly unique. They were selling the ring skirt (the fabric that covers the outside of the ring) from a recent pay per view called Multiverse that they put on with New Japan Pro Wrestling. It was a very solid show, and I was shocked to see the asking price of just $249.99.

To put it in perspective, a generic solid color ring skirt at HighSpots starts at $225 and printed one at $625. So, this was a great deal for a ring skirt, but surely it wouldn’t sell for that.

I put it on my watchlist just out of curiosity, and when I got my alert two hours before it closed there were still no bidders. I deleted the email and went on with my night, but right before I went to bed I decided to check again. No one had bid. So, I went ahead and threw in a minimum bid and assumed it would be crushed in the last ten minutes.

Of course, I couldn’t sleep, so I spent the next thirty-five minutes checking on the auction. Long story short, no one else showed up and I won this pay per view used ring skirt for a shocking low price of $249.99.

My ring skirt arrived today, and I got to work on displaying it. Thankfully, I have my cool garage gym, so I’ve hung it on the free wall.

It’s not as prestigious as say an old NWA ring skirt or something along those lines, but it’s a very cool ring skirt. It looks good and I really like it. It was a random purchase, but I’m very happy with it. Thankfully I got a raise at work to pay for it.



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