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Arnold’s Weekend Challenge

Each week, the Arnold Schwarzenegger newsletter offers up a weekend challenge. I decided I should start taking part in these and so here I am.

Sometimes the only thing that stands between you and your goals is a better plan.

We’ve shared some mindset tools in the past, but this weekend, we want to take it to the next level by using Arnold’s “5 Rules of Success” to create a framework for more success, happiness, and results. Habits and having a clear vision are the foundation, but these things take time, repetition, and support.

For this challenge, take each of Arnold’s “rules,” apply them to your life, and commit to the actions you’re going to take. Some of this might feel familiar for those who have been receiving these emails for months (like creating your vision). But other elements should force you to identify what stands in your way and where you might be holding yourself back.

With each rule, be honest, and focus on how you can make the most of your life. Are you thinking big? If so, what are you doing to make it a reality? Do you have naysayers (it could even be your own internal voice)? If so, what is being said and how are you going to ignore the noise?

Write down how you can incorporate each rule into your life right now. You don’t have to take a long time.

1. Have a clear vision.
This is something I think I have right now. I want to lose weight and I want to put on muscle. I want to be in the best shape of my life, not only because my health demands it, but because I demand it. I need it for my self-confidence, and everything else seems trivial at this point.

2. Never think small. Think big.
I feel like my desire to put on the most muscle of my life is thinking big. I could settle with just counting calories and losing weight, but not this time. I want to be big. I want to be bad.

3. Ignore the naysayers.
This is something I tend to do already. The only person in my life who tries to tear me down when I go through things like this is my father, and he’s not in the loop regarding my fitness goals.

4. Work your ass off.
This is something I’m working up to. I’m not there yet.

5. Don’t just take, give back.
I’m not sure physically how I can give back, other than writing about my struggles and my accomplishments that may inspire someone else to start working towards better health. Mentally, I’ve recently started a men’s support group that will hopefully give back some.

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