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Listen to Me on the Rental Return Podcast

Earlier this year, I transitioned into a job that provided me with the opportunity to listen to podcasts. My previous job wouldn’t allow for such a thing and my five minute commute made podcast listening difficult. So, I had to catch up on old favorites and try to find new favorites to enjoy at my new position.

This was actually a difficult task since it seems most podcasts have taken the “I’m so clever let me tell you why this sucks” approach to everything. I’m not sure why people enjoy listening to folks bash things but its really not for me.

One of the best podcasts I can across was Rental Returns – Tales from the Video Store. Presented like an oral history, this podcast interviewed video store clerks around the country for their takes on life at the tail end of the movie industry. I laughed and smiled as I related and was thoroughly entertained for the entire season.

At one point, I was so impressed with the production I decided to see who made the podcast because I wanted to hear whatever else they hosted/produced. Imagine my surprise when I saw a name I recognized, Hojo Koolander, an old friend from the Retro-Daze website.

I quickly shot him a message and told him to sign me up for season two. A little bit later I got a reply and we set up a time to record in July.

Sadly, I was in the midst of moving. My mic was packed up and I was left to record on my cell phone. It wasn’t ideal but I did the best with that I had to work with. Nonetheless, I had a blast chatting with Adam and I’ve been looking forward to the release ever since.

Well, that day has arrived! Season two of Rental Returns has launched and you can hear me throughout this entire season chatting about my memories and the things I loved about working at Blockbuster in the early 2000s.

You can find Rental Return on all of your favorite podcast providers or by checking out this page: Rental Return – Tales from the Video Store

Published inSite News


  1. Michael J Labbe Michael J Labbe

    I’m super jealous! I would love to be on this show myself and have an active conversation with former Video Store Clerks

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