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Millennium Thoughts Eps. 1-13 – June 27th, 2022

I’ve managed to make my way through the first thirteen episodes of Millennium. Thirteen was the magic number because that is the episode (Force Majeure) that fans tend to agree is when the show really takes off. Having finished it this past weekend, I can understand why they fill that way. The show abandoned it’s Monster of the Week formula and laid the foundation for a larger story arc.

I’m not going to get into the nitty gritty of the episodes. I’ve discovered two great bloggers who’ve already done so: Millennium (Reviews), The Time is Near: Revisiting Millennium, and a wonderful podcast The Time is Now. But I do want to discuss a few thoughts on what I’ve seen thus far.

There is something cathartic about the Frank Black character. Personality wise, I have nothing in common with Frank, but there is something about the way he positions himself in the world that I both admire and feel comforted by. His big yellow house seems to be a beacon of peace in a world gone mad, and I can relate to that.

I feel most at peace inside my apartment, away from the craziness beyond the walls. There’s something relaxing about the environment that I have way more control over than most and I see Frank feeling that exact way. He does his job efficently as possible, so he can return home, where he is at ease. He can share that space with his family and just be at peace, far away from the darkness of the outside world.

I find it interesting that this show was made in the 90’s, a time when I felt the world was much more at peace than it is now. Was this simply because I was a child and was not an observant? As each year progresses, I find myself more inclined to stay inside away from an increasingly darker world.

If there is one thing that has connected me to Millennium it is the way the show handles darkness by positioning Frank as a single man, just trying to do good and make it by. He’s seen the worse of humanity, and yet, he tries to smile and pretend the future is bright for his family. I, of course, haven’t seen near the things that Frank has seen, but I feel like I’ve seen enough to make me want to just live as quietly, peacefully, and away from all the madness that I can. I struggle to find hope in the world today and I guess, seeing Frank wade in and out of the mess inspires me a bit to keep moving forward.

Not much else has happened in the first few episodes of Millennium. We see Frank’s skills and have met some of the people he works with, but there hasn’t been a whole lot to go on. I’m interested in seeing where the show goes and I’m truly enjoying it.

Published inTelevision

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