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I drink a lot of diet soda. Way too much actually and I’ve been trying to cut back the past year, and I feel like I’ve made some headway. I’m doing it for my health, but also for my wallet since soda prices have gone up with everything else.

A few weeks ago, Michael mentioned he tried Starry, Pepsi’s new lemon-lime drink that was replacing Sierra Mist. He gave it a thumbs up, so I immediately went out looking for it. I found a twelve pack first, but then stumbled upon a 20 oz on my way out the door so I cracked it open. What I found was a sweeter version of Sprite that was pretty darn good. I’m not much of a lemon-lime fan, but I could see myself drinking this occasionally.

On my next trip to the grocery store, I couldn’t find any diet caffeine free drinks on sale other than Starry, which also had $2 off coupons attached to each box. So, I loaded up and I’ve been drinking Starry every day for the past couple of weeks.

I got to say, it’s grown more and more on me. It’s not too carbonated and its refreshing. It goes down a bit easier than Sprite. I think Pepsi’s got a winner on their hands.

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