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The Pump App – Week Two

It’s been two weeks since Arnold Schwarzenegger’s The Pump launched. I thought I’d offer some updated comments regarding my experience thus far.

The first few days, Arnold and the crew put out fires about the app’s content and what was instore for the future. They confirmed the app was a first version and that the funds coming in would fund a second version with more connectivity and features found in modern fitness apps. This seemed to calm the waters a bit, but just like everything else on the internet, there were plenty of complainers.

The app can be a bit buggy still and I don’t think any updates have come through yet. My “First Week Complete” badge updates every time the app is open and runs continuously. Last I looked, it said I had completed something like 200 weeks of workouts.

The first week of workouts kicked my butt, and I was started off on the lowest scale possible, which was just using bodyweight. Having completed the bodyweight primer I’ve previously mentioned, I was hoping I’d be prepared for this entry level workout. The emphasis on squats has been hard on my quads, but so far, I haven’t not finished anything, but it can be a challenge.

The fanboying can be a bit off-putting, but I guess that’s part of the social aspect of it. So many posts are gushing over Schwarzenegger and telling life stories, and the pandering is a bit unsettling at times.

The articles have been solid, although some have been recycled from his team’s blogs. Arnold and his team have spent hours responding to questions and offering suggestions, which is quite impressive. I do wonder how sustainable that is.

Despite my comments, I really do like the app, and I do look forward to completing my workouts. It’s obviously a work in progress, but the future does look bright. Now, I just need to strengthen up my legs a bit more so I can handle these workouts!

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