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The Pump Daily

I still don’t remember how I stumbled upon this, but through fate I did. A few weeks ago, I discovered that Arnold Schwarzenegger (along with two of his colleagues) put together a daily newsletter (Monday-Friday) full of encouragement, fitness, and dietary guidance. They take a look at the latest viral studies and analyze (and sometimes) debunk them. It’s a place to get accurate health information and I’m a huge fan of that.

In addition to the newsletter, Arnold offers two free pamphlets that contain some great information as well: Arnold’s Pump Club 15-Minute Workouts and Pump Yourself Up.

I got to say, I look forward to the newsletter each morning. It’s an easy read that contains actual useful information. It’s a great way to stay focused on your fitness/health goals and feel confident that the information you are receiving is actually valid.

The newsletter and the pamphlets have been a great little tool to discover on this quest for better health and I’m thankful for them. Here’s an archive of the newsletters thus far. 

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