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The Retro Network – Summer Camp 2022 Second Place

Earlier this summer, I entered The Retro Network’s Summer Camp writing competition. I submitted two articles and one of mine ended up second in the contest! I won a snazzy $25 Amazon gift card which came on Prime Day (perfect timing) and a lunch box full of penny candy courtesy of Old Time Candy.

I wrote these articles in hope that it would drive a little traffic to our lovely retro home on the web. I’m not sure how much it helped, but I’m hoping our little site was exposed to at least a few more retro fans out there who might enjoy our pop culture musings.

The article that finished second is entitled: Summer at the Rec Center which chronicles my days attending a rec center on the Orlando Naval base in the mid 1990s. I felt compelled to write about this time due to both the summer getting warming and that it’s been almost thirty years now. I recently watched a mini-YouTube documentary on the water park featured in the article: Water Mania and it got my nostalgic juices going. I hope you’ll enjoy the article as much as I did writing it.

The second article that I wrote was called A Not So Traditional Summer. This article discusses how most of my summer vacations were spent. My family wasn’t well off and the divorce took a toll on both of my parent’s finances, so most of my summers were spent doing small things or visiting family, not theme parks or summer camps. I thought this as the superior article of the two, but the judges disagreed. Nonetheless, I feel like it’s worth your time checking out if you would like a peek into a summer that might resemble more of what you experienced versus the typical movie summer of the 1990s.

I’m thankful for the platform The Retro Network has given me and huge thanks to Mickey Yarber who keep it’s all running.

On a side note, this is the second time I’ve been involved with The Retro Network with the first being my appearance on the Rental Return podcast. What makes it so interesting is, The Retro Network is filled with guys I used to write alongisde at Retro-Daze many years before.

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