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Two Books, One Day

So, I finished up Almost Interesting and then decided to pick back up another book I began last November, Couplehood by Paul Reiser. I had read 32% of the novel before dropping it to read some mind numbing book about why I’m not good enough and why I should do things differently with my life. I decided to read a little bit more after lunch today, and ended up finishing that book today as well. I know I didn’t read it completely today, but I figure if I read over 50% of it then I get to count it as a book read in 2020.

Couplehood is essentially Mad About You in book form. It’s Paul Reiser’s standard humor and musing about relationships broken down into chapters. You can easily see these words and situations taking place in episodes of Mad About You, which is not a bad thing. I always found Mad About You to be a show I could relate to, in some ways, and that made reading Couplehood a joy.

The one thing to know about Couplehood is that it’s not a well-researched or plotted novel, but instead is very much a comedy book, where each chapter is loosely titled and random thoughts and observations are explored. I’m not sure how well the book would work if it wasn’t read in Paul Reiser’s voice and delivery, but when you hear him narrating in your head, it works rather well.

Mr. Reiser’s honest look at the ups and downs of relationships, and the differences between men and women make Couplehood a fun, short book to read. It’s also one of those iconic 90’s comedy books that I’m glad to say I’ve read.

I’d rate Couplehood a three out of five.

Published inBooks

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