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We Summon the Darkness Review (2020)

My History With the Film: 
I heard about We Summon the Darkness a few weeks before its released when the trailer hit. I was intrigued when I saw Alexadra Daddario in a starring role and after watching the trailer I knew this was the type of movie I’d probably enjoy.

I snagged a copy shortly after it came out and after a few weeks I sat down to see how it was.

What The Film Is About (Non-Spoiler):
Three girls decide plan to party with a group of guys following a heavy metal concert when all hell breaks loose, literally.

What I Liked About It:
-The cast is great. There wasn’t a single person I didn’t care for. All three girls and all three guys really played their parts well and were different enough to be memorable.

-The twist is pretty decent. I knew a twist was coming, just not how far the twist would go.

What I Didn’t Like About It:
-You can tell from the trailer/first scene a twist is coming. It was a little choreographed but I will admit I didn’t predict the entire twist which was nice.

-The biggest sin this film made was stating that it took place in the 80’s. Script wise it make sense to cash in on the Satanic Panic of the time for the plot, but on a low budget film it costs money to set the film back thirty-forty years. The first noticeable mistake was the modern kitchen. The counter tops, sink, and faucet are very much 2010’s and not the 1980’s. A few minutes after that I noticed a very modern vacuum cleaner behind one of the characters taking up a good portion of the screen. This is just sloppy filmmaking and I think led to me losing interest.

-The film drags pretty early on. I just don’t think the script had enough in it to keep me interested for the entire run-time. Once the twist got out of the way, I really lost interest in the film.

-The film attempts to walk the line between horror and comedy, but doesn’t do either all that well.

Additional Notes:


I was super excited for We Summon the Darkness, and had expected to write a massive review highlighting all the great moments in the film. Sadly, the only word that comes to mind when thinking about We Summon the Darkness is disappointing.

A great cast and a decent twist were wasted. The movie is very forgettable and really isn’t worth seeking out. I rate We Summon the Darkness a two out of five.

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