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Not Allowing Joy to Be Robbed

Recently, I’ve begun reading From a Certain Point of View, a collection of Star Wars short stories told from the perspective of background characters (and sometimes characters we never see). Each of the stories fill in the gaps of A New Hope. For example, ever wonder what the Stormtrooper was thinking when he stunned Princess Leia in the opening scene? Now you can know.

I found the book to be excellent reading before bed. The stories are short enough to find a good stopping place to get to sleep, and are entertaining enough to end my day on a high note.

After spending a few nights reading the book, I decided I would hop online and see if I could find other people discussing it. I wanted to share in the joy of others and see if people were enjoying it as much as I was. So, I began to type in From a Certain Point of View in my search bar when I stopped.

I wasn’t going to find what I wanted when I hit enter. I wasn’t going to find other people excited to share their favorite stories or encouraging folks to read the other books in the series. No, I was going to find frustration. I was going to find someone talking good about the book and then someone trashing it. Someone was going to make some statement that was going to make me think differently about the book and the next thing I know my enthusiasm is gone. How do I know? I’ve fallen into this pitfall before.

There was once a time when searching for something you enjoyed brought back mostly positive thoughts and excitement. That time has passed. So, I deleted my search, and I went back to reading my book undisturbed by any negative thoughts and opinions.

Published inQuick Thoughts

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