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Powerwash Simulator – Yea… Not a Joke

I can’t believe I’m about to write about this game, and I’m even more surprise it’s going to be positive.

Let’s go ahead and get this out of the way, I bought Powerwash Simulator and I really like it. I played it for three hours the first night I bought it.

Okay, now for some backstory.

The past few years, I’ve been struggling with my gaming. I have hard time committing to long stories and I think I’ve grown tired of the same old AAA titles. Sure, I’ll find an occasional gem (I did enjoy Call of Duty this year) and I still spend a lot of time in Red Dead Redemption 2, but I struggle most days to find something worth playing. It’s why I play some much FIFA. It’s mindless, and I just kind of go through the motions.

I’ve tried finding new ways to game, like by downloading old arcade games. Games that were designed for pick up and play. This will entertain me for a bit, but let’s be honest, most arcade games are just better with a joystick.

A month or so ago, I read a review for Powerwash Simulator on PushSquare. The review was positive, much to my surprise. I’m not much of a simulator type gamer nor am I obsessed with watching powerwashing videos, so I didn’t think I was really in the target audience for such a game. But… the review stuck with me. Could Powerwashing scratch that itch to play something, but allow myself to just kind of relax while gaming? I figured I’d try out when I found it on sale.

It didn’t take long, Playstation marked it down to $19.99 and I decided to just go for it. It still felt about ten dollars too high for me, but I was going through the motions with Mass Effect Remastered and I wasn’t having fun.

Powerwash Simulator is exactly what it sounds like. You start off by powerwashing an old van to use as a work truck. Slowly, word of mouth gets around and you are given jobs to powerwash various items. Sometimes it’s a motorcycle, other times it’s a playground or a house. Each job requires you to figure out the best nozzle, angle, and cleaning chemical for the job. From there, you just powerwash and it’s extremely relaxing.

It’s like playing a shooting game with no real concern. It’s not like you can lose and no one is going to come around the corner and kill you. Instead, you just slowly work your way around your target, clean it off, and relax.

The game lacks music, so the only noise your hear is the sound of the power washer and the occasional ding when you 100% clean an item. The first night I played, I just enjoyed the sound of the water. The next night, I turned on a little Spotify. Both nights were very enjoyable.

There is something satisfying about starting with something disgusting and ending up with something clean. There is a real sense of accomplishment, which is good since some of the bigger levels can take some time.

Powerwash Simulator is not for everyone, but if you ever want to just relax and game it’s a great option to consider.

Published inVideo Games

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