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Slowly Upgrading the Home Gym

I spent Easter morning at my mom’s house. My mom used to own a Tae Kwon Do school for many years. When she closed her school six or seven years ago, she brought some of the equipment home to make a gym for herself, but she still had surplus equipment. One of the biggest things she had left over was mat flooring.

I’ve been looking for some, just to help me feel more comfortable doing some of my body weight on the floor in the garage. Of course, the ones you buy at Walmart and such are pretty low quality and can get expensive fast. However, my mom still had a ton of such flooring in her attic, and it was much higher quality than what I could afford. So, she gave me a bunch and then is bringing even more over sometime in the near future. I still need to mop it all down and reorganize, but my little gym is coming along.

My brother, who was also at my mom’s, is giving me his old weightlifting bench. It’s just a basic incline bench, but it’s free so I’m going to take it. Our taxes did not go well this year, so I’m going to have to shelve buying a bench for a while anyway, so hopefully this one will tide me over. I’m hoping to go pick it up this weekend.

So far, I’ve spent just around $200 on the punching bag and some gloves. Hopefully I can find some more cheap/free stuff over the next few months.

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