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Some Articles Worth Reading I

I’m attempting to cut back on the time I spent online, mainly the time I spend reading low effort posts. By that, I mean news (entertainment, wrestling, sports), reddit posts, comments on pages, etc. This means, I’m now slave to my RSS feed, which I just keep pumping full of blogs and sites that I enjoy so that when I need to kill a little bit of time, I have something worthwhile to read.

With that being said, I realize some of my favorite bloggers post articles they like in a variety of different ways (See: [Bix](, [Colin]( It’s inspired me to do the same, because I know how much I appreciate the effort these folks put into sharing. It’s not going to be a scheduled post, it’ll be more like my Personal Site Spotlight, where I just randomly post one whenever I have a dry spell between gushing about whatever randomness is in my head.

What is my process?
What defines Sword and Sorcery?
The Discipline of Action
We need you, hopepunks
Better Worlds: a science fiction project
My 2023 in Review (Best SF Novels, Best SF Short Fiction, and Bonus Categories
Magellan’s Last Days: Lessons from the Death of a Great Explorer
23 thoughts and lessons from 2023
The Cost of Being a Wrestling Fan
Create More, Consume Less
4 Hopes for 2024
Heroic Fantasy Films and Television of 1924-1981
Heroic Fantasy Films and Television of 1982-1989
50 Amazing Rarely Seen Photos from World War II
Unusual Boxes and 7,000 Year Old Trove Found Locked in Ice
Mummified Baboons in Egypt Point to a Long Lost Land
The Muddled Origins of the Word ‘Viking’

Published inBloggingRandom

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