
I mentioned in Getting Back on the Horse that I was restarting my workout routine starting on Sunday. It wasn’t my best workout ever, but I made it down to the garage and got a good twenty-five minutes in. I kept things rather simple, using mostly body weight exercises, and I felt good afterward. However, I was shocked the following day to wake up sore. I mean, I’m talking, this is the sorest I’ve been since I started working out back in March.

I’ve been trying to figure out why less than two weeks off of working out would result in such soreness, and the only idea I have is it’s age related. My body doesn’t bounce back as well as it used to, and it just needs a couple of days to adjust. So, instead of working out on Monday, I took the day off, and despite still being sore today, I completed my workout on The Pump app and man I’m I spent! But I feel good. I feel accomplished, and I’m glad that I’ve recommitted to getting healthy.

I’ve been chatting with Raveen who documents his fitness journey on his blog about a few tips and tricks he’s come across that I may give a try. I’m always on the lookout for ways to elevate and find the best workout system for myself.

If anyone ever needs an invitation to join [The Pump](, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s workout app let me know. I have several I can give out.

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