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Waiting for the Punch: Words to Live by from the WTF Podcast

I was first introduced to Marc Maron while watching GLOW. I had seen him in other things, but it was GLOW that really made me sit up and go, “Who is this hilarious forker?” I’ll be honest, I haven’t really dug into much of his other work, but I did know he hosted a podcast called WTF and while browsing the used book store last week, I saw a copy of Waiting for the Punch: Words to Live by from the WTF Podcast in the comedy section. I decided to snag a digital copy and I just finished it up today.

I didn’t know exactly what to expect with this book, so I browsed the chapters and decided to start on the Mental Health chapter. Basically, the book is a selection of quotes and conversations take from over the years on the WTF podcast. A wide variety of celebrities have come onto Marc’s show and discussed deep subjects very openly and this book is sort of a “Best Of” collection.

Each chapter is broken down into a category with a short introduction by Marc. Chapters include subjects like: Mortality, Success, Sexuality, and Relationships. Some are better than others, and I read everything but the chapter on Parenting because I really didn’t think it would interest me as much as the other ones.
There are some interesting life nuggets to pull from the book and I saved one quote “Comparison is the worst form of violence against yourself.” But what I got most from the book is that I really want to check out the WTF podcast. These conversations go beyond the “Oh, I’m here to plug my book” sorta conversations, but instead dig into deep wounds, thoughts, and philosophies. The guests on the show talk about their humanity and that makes for an interesting listen, or so I’d presume.


The book itself was good, but not great. I think I really enjoyed the Mental Health chapter so much, it prompted me to keep reading in hopes to finding another chapter as captivating as that one. Sadly, I didn’t find one. Overall the book is a decent read, but I have a feeling the actual podcasts are better.

Published inBooks

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