
Junited is a monthly challenge to share a single blog post each day that you appreciate or like.

Over the next thirty days I’ll be updating this post each day with a new link. My goal is to pick a post for a different blog each day. It should be a great way to discover some great bloggers with a wide variety of topics.

June 1st – Thomas Paine’s Totally Reasonable Deism for an Unreasonable World

June 2nd – The Jack-Reacher Kind of Minimalism: Healthy for You. Compassionate to Others.

June 3rd – A Typical Weekday Living in My Car

June 4th – Technology Should Enhance Humans, Not Replace Them

June 5th – Anger is Welcome. Sadness is welcome. Fear is welcome.

June 6th – Accountability Blogging

June 7th – Thoughts on Being in My 30’s

June 8th – Ratika Deshpande

June 9th – small unknown complex life

June 10th – Evolve or Die: Is This the End for Sword and Sorcery?

June 11th – Re-Reading the Hobbit

June 12th – How You Perceive the World

June 13th – September Photo Challenge

June 14th – Being a Webmaster is Friggin Cool

June 15th – The 24 Hour News Cycle