Today is the day I’ve spent my thirties dreading, I’ve finally turned forty. Thankfully, I’ve come to accept the new decade I’ve entered and I’m actually pretty excited about what this next chapter offers.
I thought it might be wise to put some of my ideas on paper so I can refer back to them and remind me of how I want to spend my time.
1. Have less opinions
I want to be less opinionated. I’m not really one to push my opinion on anyone now, but I want to have even less opinions which means I’ll be less engaged and give less of a shit about most of the useless ramblings that go on in this world.
2. Don’t take life so seriously
I’m guilty of taking life way too seriously at times. I can make everything feel like a life or death situation and that is not reality. I realize that sometimes television can influence these feelings, so I want to be more aware of my emotions and try and keep things a bit lighter.
3. Be better a stopping when I’m not enjoying something
I’ve struggled with letting things go at times out of some ridiculous feeling of obligation. For example, I have finished books I didn’t enjoy, just to say I’ve completed a series. I’ve watched TV shows that I wasn’t feeling, just because I’d already watched the first five seasons. This is absurd. Life is too short to do things you don’t enjoy when you have an option to do something else.
4. Try and be more social
I have some friends locally, that I could make time for and visit, but I don’t. I haven’t worked this all out yet, but I’m thinking I needed to schedule a social visit at least once every six weeks, maybe once a month.
5. Read more
I already read quite a bit, but I would like to increase the amount of time I spend reading, because I usually read when I would spend time online. So, it’s a double win for me, the more I read the more I feel productive and the less time I spend screwing around online.